Below are links you may find useful.
A. Previous home page write ups
2. Its a new year and time for?
4. Part 1: God and the idea of fear
B. Bible related sites
Sabbath School Bible Studies
- Sabbath School Network: (Sabbath School lesson studies - lesson studies, bible email groups, bible studies, bible reading plans, audio and video material on the lessons, and various other links, etc)
- Pineknoll Sabbath School ministry: (Sabbath School lesson studies in audio and pdf format)
Bible Info ( )
- A source for Bible answers
Online Bibles & Bible Study resources
- (Loma Linda University Church sermon library)
- (Ministry site with various bible topics in different media formats)
- (Ministry site dedicated to bible prophecy)
- (Free Bible search software)
C. Health
Health 20-20 ( )
- A service by the Health Ministries Department of the Seventh Day Adventist General Conference (Ask the Docs database; various health related articles)
Nature's Choice ( )
- Health foods supplier, recipes, advice on eating healthy foods & lifestyle
D. Adventist Administration
Seventh-Day Adventist General Conference (
- Official news and information of the Adventist Church world headquarters in Washington, DC.
Southern African Indian Ocean Division (
- Serving the Southern African nations of Angola, Botswana, Namibia Mauritius, Madagascar, Malawi, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Southern Africa Union Conference (
- Regional headquarters serving the Cape Conference; KwaZulu Natal - Free State Conference; Lesotho Conference; Namibia Field; Swaziland Conference; Trans - Oranje Conference; Transvaal Conference
Transvaal Conference (
- Local conference in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
North American Division (
- Regional headquarters serving the United States, Canada and Bermuda.
E. Adventist Education
Tertiary Education
Helderberg College (
- Offering business, arts and theology degrees
Andrews University (
- Under-graduate, post-graduate and sbinary training.
La Sierra University (
- Under-graduate and post-graduate degree programs.
Loma Linda University (
- Under-graduate and post-graduate courses in all fields of healthcare.
Pacific Union College (
- Under-graduate and post-graduate degree programs.
F. Adventist Publication Resources
Adventist Review (
- In print for more than 150 years, the Adventist Review is the flagship journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Published weekly and has a paid circulation of more than 50,000.
Review and Herald Publishing Association (